Individuals in Europe and beyond are becoming increasingly distracted consumers and manipulated citizens. Educational and political initiatives have been insufficient to catch up with technological and cultural shifts.

The opportunities new technologies offer, in terms of facilitating meaningful connections and proactive civil engagements, have not yet come fully to fruition, although it has finally been accepted that critical thinking, not just technical skills, is the core of media literacy.

At EAVI, we believe that a more comprehensive frame should incorporate a deeper, pragmatic and holistic vision of media literacy.
Our new media literacy concept is aimed at having a greater impact within the coming years.

"Over the last 10 years, EAVI has contributed decisively to the current understanding of media literacy. We have carried out EU-wide studies for the European Commission, influenced EU legislation successfully, participated in experts’ panels, organised international conferences and many other initiatives.
But we are not happy. Europe is less media literate, not more. "
Paolo Celot
Secretary General & Founder - Eavi
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